Last VII Words

Reading Plan & Group Guides
Series Overview

Over the next few weeks, we will dive into the final seven statements made by Jesus as He hung on the cross—words that offer us a profound glimpse into the heart of God and invite us into a deeper walk with Christ. These final words were spoken not in a moment of strength, but in the midst of unimaginable suffering and pain. As central as the cross is to our faith, it is difficult to linger with Jesus at the cross. This series, Last SEVEN Words, is invitation to do just that. As we linger, we will witness the tender compassion, the unshakable forgiveness, and the deep love He expressed for the world.

Each of His words offers us an invitation—not just to understand Him, but to follow Him. These words are an invitation to walk with Jesus all the way to resurrection.Each week, as we unpack one of these seven powerful statements, we will be challenged to move from admiration of Jesus’ words to active discipleship—living out our faith in a way that reflects His heart and draws others to the hope of His resurrection. The journey to the cross is not just a destination; it’s a path we are invited to walk with Him every day, embracing His love and sharing it with a world in desperate need of it.

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