Elders are the spiritual leaders of GRACE, and with the Senior Pastor, prayfully discern God’s direction for GRACE. Elders are elected by the congregation and serve a three-year term.
Dr. Marnie Crumpler, Moderator
Karen Thomas, Clerk of Session
Class of 2025
Dean Bartholmew
Jackie Etter
Andy McIntyre
Cathy Perna
Karen Thomas
Cathie Ward
Class of 2026
Jim Birdsall
Bill Gruenewald
Jim Harbaugh
Keith Krenz
Jo Mayers
Liz Shayler
Class of 2027
Chris Caflin
Gary Harlow
Emily Kurtz
Steve Mason
Tim Robison
Sue Stevens
Deacons are spiritual leaders who oversee many ministries that build community at GRACE. Their ministries are in 4 areas: Care, Connections, Communion and Prayer. Deacons are elected by the congregation and serve a three-year term.
Andi Barbehenn, Moderator
Class of 2025
Herb Gates
Deb Klepeiss
Class of 2026
Tammy Adelsberger
Linda Dyson
Linda Hacker
Eva Mack
Rita Neuhauser
Dan Sebesta
Class of 2027
Carla Benway
Jen Boardman
Mark Davidowski
Kim Diehl
Ed Kapun
Richard Siter
Susan Waite
Trustees are spiritual leaders and officers of the corporation who steward our buildings and grounds and the assets of the church in a way that facilitates the mission of the church. Trustees are elected by the congregation and serve a three-year term.
Denise Kostelny, President of Trustees
Class of 2025
David Africa
Denise Kostelny
John Edwards
Class of 2026
Bill Bethmann
Mike Butz
Rick Fritz
Randy Stonesifer
Class of 2027
John Eltringham
Andrea Gimbar
Tony Stroebel
Steve Treon
Keith Varga